Tan Tan

São Paulo

New Entry

A half-and-half concept in which you feel like you’re in a high-end restaurant and a good-times bar simultaneously, Thiago Bañares’ Tan Tan is one of the hottest nightspots in Brazil right now. 

Outside it’s all jet-black with minimal branding and once in – past the queue of patiently waiting hopefuls – you’re in a modern, industrially-attired space built for communal eating and drinking. The bar is split by partition – bartenders serving cocktails on one side, cooks offering up noodles and small plates of dumplings, sandos and the most indulgent fried potatoes you can imagine on the other.

You’ll want it all, wherever you’re sitting, but if you’re perched at the bar, you’ve got a front-row seat to some of the most inventive cocktail making in the city. The drinks programme, led by Caio Carvalhaes, manages to pull on both Japanese and Brazilian thematic threads while retaining classical structure. House creations include the Ilha Do Medo, with Princesa Isabel Cachaça, cocoa honey, lime and spices, which illustrates the point: this is a Japanese restaurant-bar viewed through a Brazilian lens.


R. Fradique Coutinho, 153 - Pinheiros, São Paulo - SP, 05416-010, Brazil

+55 11 2373-3587 Visit Tan Tan's Website Visit Tan Tan on Instagram