CTC Urban Gastronomy

Athens, Greece

CTC Urban Gastronomy explores modern Greek cuisine over 11 courses – referred to as a 'voyage' rather than a menu – and has earned chef Alexandros Tsiotinis and his team one Michelin star for the past three years. This trip through deconstructed takes on traditional dishes could include a plate of calamari tagliatelle with parmesan, garlic, pine nuts, basil and olive oil or even one of fava beans moulded to look like an octopus tentacle and glazed with octopus demi glace then served with cherries, smoked eel, almonds and charcoal grilled amaranthus leaves. The setting is equally impressive with the restaurant's gorgeous urban garden providing one of Athens' most sought-after destinations with tables and booths sitting underneath mature trees. Make sure you book nice and early, especially in the summer months.

Key Information


15, Plataion Street, Kerameikos, Athens, 10435