Max & Raf Alajmo - edible art in 12 courses

Luciana Bianchi - 27/10/2011

Max & Raf Alajmo - edible art in 12 courses

Lucefluida is an edible art event, the first multisensory culinary performance by Massimiliano Alajmo, dedicated to the 54th Venice Biennale composed of two separate, but closely related movements:
LUCEFLUIDAinACQUA in Venice at Quadri restaurant in St. Mark’s Square


LUCEFLUIDAinTERRA in Sarmeola di Rubano (Padua) at Le Calandre restaurant.

The performance, result of a single conceptual study, unfolds in two open-ended and playful journeys, each carried out in twelve movements/courses. The interactive, multi-sensory experiences have been carefully calibrated by Massimiliano and his team, but remain fresh and exciting with requisite moments of improvisation, typical of true performance. The food, pace, beverages, temperatures and means of interacting have all been organized by Massimiliano to make room for delightful abandon and sharing in a mirrored attempt to penetrate the essence of the ingredients.

“My intention is to transfer the concept of light into food using irony and playfulness to express my feelings or, better, my perception of the fluid energy that it gives and the real need we have to live it.” Max Alajmo

Lucefluida is introduced by a video that contains the conceptual motives that led Massimiliano to embark on this path. The project was born out of his reaction to the contemporary “chatter,” especially in Italy, that has transformed chefs into actors of a variety show. A show too often devoid of taste and memory and therefore without a future (in the sense of “progress.”) From this reaction stems the realization that cooking, when done sincerely, is based in the search for deep meaning. It can lead to an open dialogue with nature, both in terms of thought and memory, revealing its most intimate symbolic content.

Raffaele and Maximiliano Alajmo - Two Brother behind one concept

Here the video:

The performance is taking place in Italy at Quadri restaurant (Venice) and at Le Calandre restaurant (Padua) until 26th November! Do not miss it!!!

Follow this blog for more news and photos after the end of the 'exhibition' .We don't want to spoil the experience before the end!

Press info/Press images Luciana Bianchi is chef de cuisine and food writer, works as International Editor correspondent for the Brazilian gourmet magazine,Prazeres da Mesa, and contributes to several publications around the world.
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