17 incredible Instagram pics from Latin America's 50 Best Restaurants

Emer Schlosser - 09/10/2015

17 incredible Instagram pics from Latin America's 50 Best Restaurants

Last month, six lucky winners and their partners from around the globe were invited to join us in Mexico City for a week of sight-seeing, devouring delicious bites and living it up on the red carpet with chef royalty at Latin America's 50 Best Restaurants.

The #50BestPass winners from Australia, Brazil, Chile, France, Mexico and the USA caught all their best moments in a series of Instagram posts that made their followers green with envy. Now you can live vicariously through their beautiful (and mouthwatering) photos – we've pulled together our top pics, but you can follow them on Instagram for more.

1. Oscar and Camila: it's churro time


Churros con Nutella y Arroz con Leche @theworlds50best #latam50best #50Best #50BestPass #LiveItToBeliveIt #VenAComer #Mexico

A photo posted by Oscar Barrera Marengo (@oscarbarreramarengo) on

2. Laura Peach: Bienvenue à Mexico

3. Oaxacking: chile en nogada at the Chefs' Feast


Chef José Rosalío & Chef Oliver Deboise #ChilesenNogadaComa @theworlds50best #latam50best #food #travel

A photo posted by Omar Alonso (@oaxacking) on

4. Chef Chad White: strawberries on strawberries on strawberries at Biko


fresa on fresa on fresa #bikomx No.10 #latam50best @theworlds50best #venacomer #mexicocity #Truecooks

A photo posted by Chad White (@chefchadwhite) on

5. Camila Masullo: deep in thought at the pyramids


Mirando la Pirámide del Sol #50BestPass #LiveItToBelievelt #LatAm50Best #Mexico

A photo posted by Camila Masullo (@camilamasullo) on

6. Aaron 'Zeboy': getting to grips with grubs (or red maguey caterpillars)

7. Laura Peach: lunch in the caves


Continuer de manger dans des lieux magiques @lagrutamx #lagruta #LiveItToBelieveIt #venacomer #50BestPass

A photo posted by Laura (@laura_peach) on

8. Ms I-Hua: spiral staircase at the MAP Museum

9. Oscar: dinner at Sud777

10. Oaxacking: from Mexico City with love


From #MexicoCity with love @mexicodf #CDMX

A video posted by Omar Alonso (@oaxacking) on

11. Zeboy: ice-cream sandwiches with Ms I-Hua

12. Camila Masullo: with Brazilian chef heroine Roberta Sudbrack

13. Chef Chad White: at Piedra del Sol (or is it a giant Oreo cookie?)


Piedra del Sol #mexicocity #liveittobelieveit #latam50best #venacomer @theworlds50best #Truecooks

A photo posted by Chad White (@chefchadwhite) on

14. Oaxacking: present at the Chefs' Feast


Oaxaca presente en #latam50best #venacomer #liveittobelieveit @theworlds50best

A photo posted by Omar Alonso (@oaxacking) on

15. Chef Chad White: celebrating with hero Pablo Salas of Amaranta

16. Camila Masullo: Viva Mexico!


VIVA MEXICO! #50BestPass #LiveItToBelievelt #VenAComer #SaldeFlor #Mexico #Food

A photo posted by Camila Masullo (@camilamasullo) on

17. Oscar and Camila: LatAm50Best photo mash-up


Hace 1 año exactamente me seleccionaron para @masterchefchile y ahora en @theworlds50best me gané el #50BestPass y he estado con los 50 mejores chefs de LatinoAmérica viviendo la mejor semana de la vida. Espérense nomas un par de años porque vuelvo a esta ceremonia: pero ahora como uno de los premiados Exactly one year ago I was been selected as a #MasterChef contestant and now I'm at @theworlds50best living the week of a lifetime with the 50 best chefs from all Latinamerica. And just give me a couple of years because I'll be coming back: but then it will be as one of the winners #Mexico #VenAComer #LiveItToBeliveIt #50BestPass #50Best #latam50best #cooking #cuisine #eating #cocina #comida #food #chef

A photo posted by Oscar Barrera Marengo (@oscarbarreramarengo) on

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