What makes it special: In a two-storey building in an unfashionable district of the German capital, close to the working-class neighbourhood where he grew up, Tim Raue serves up a fusion of flavours inspired by Japan, Thailand and China. The chef fell in love with elements of Asian cuisine when travelling as a young man and brought them back to Berlin, where his eponymous restaurant opened in 2010. The restaurant is managed by Tim's business partner Marie-Anne Wild, who specialises in a relaxed but high-level brand of hospitality.
On the menu: Raue’s classics include the chef’s interpretation of Peking Duck as well as wasabi langoustine. The current menu includes pikeperch sangohachi, Gochujang wagyu beef with red peppers; and hake with miso and mandarin. Diners can choose from à la carte or two tasting menu options.
Tim Raue
Healthy outlook: Always ahead of the curve, Raue has long advocated dishes that release energy to the body instead of stressing it, so there are no supplements such as bread, pasta or rice. Refined sugar, dairy products and gluten are also absent.
A place in history: Restaurant Tim Raue is located near Checkpoint Charlie, Berlin’s most famous crossing point between the former East and West Berlin and now a popular tourist stop.
Rudi-Dutschke-Strasse 26, 10969 Berlin, Germany
+49 (0) 30 259 379 30 Visit Restaurant Tim Raue's Website Visit Restaurant Tim Raue on Facebook Visit Restaurant Tim Raue on Instagram