Mercado 24

Guatemala City, Guatemala

Within Guatemala City you will find 23 municipal markets selling the freshest produce available that day, and at Mercado 24 you will find chef Pablo Diaz and his brigade cooking with the best of it. The concept is modern Guatemalan, with influences taken from Mexico with inspiration gained during Diaz' own travels in the country. You approach the restaurant via a cobbled front terrace festooned in lights with a hot pink and electric blue hand-painted sign set on a warehouse-style building. Inside, it's welcoming and relaxed with a vibrant dining room with soaring ceilings and woven lampshades. The menu varies day to day due to the market-fresh model, but plates could include grilled shrimp with red mojo or a fish tamal served with jocón (Guatemalan green chicken curry) sauce.

Key Information


Ruta 3 Via 5 Zona 4, Casa Del Aguila, Guatemala City, 1004